4019 Great North Road (Glen Eden)

Free Trial Visit
Apply for a FREE Trial Visit* at Happy Learning Childcare by filling up this form OR call us 09-2801588
Choosing a child care is one of the biggest decisions every parent makes. As a parent you always want to give your child the best.
The only way for you to know that Happy Learning Children is the best choice for your child and you is by ‘trialling’ it. We offer all parents the opportunity to have a FREE trial visit* at our day care facility. Take this opportunity to know what your child will be doing in a day, who will care for him or her and what facilities our day care offers.
You do not need to commit or enrol in order to participate in this trial. Just come and check out our day care in Glen Eden, we’re sure you’ll love us!
Contact us 09-2801588 (info@hlchildcare.co.nz) if you have any query about enrolment, or would like to request an enrolment form.
*conditions apply.